The best marketers understand that storytelling is the fabric of communication. Before we had advertising and marketing, we had stories that were shared that often led to goods and services being traded for, bartered for and eventually paid for with currency. Sometimes those stories were about the local butcher in town, or the seamstress. And how they did the best work and offered the best care in their services. Storytelling has stood the test of time even as marketing seems to find it's way into all forms of communication. Think about that the next time you set out to create your story and talk about your brand or service.
Simon Sinek's Golden Circle theory of marketing and communication is one of the best modern day marketing insights. People can often tell you what they do and how they do it, but they often struggle with the why. Figure that out and you are on the path to creating a message that will mean more to your customer and deliver more to you.
Seth Godin
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